Living By Faith: Justification and Sanctification
"Living by faith" is much more than a general Christian precept; it is the fundamental posture of believers in a world rife with suffering and injustice. In this penetrating reflection on the meaning of "justification," Oswald Bayer shows how this key religious term provides a comprehensive horizon for discussing every aspect of Christian theology, from creation to the end times.
Luther’s Liturgical Music: Principles and Implications
Martin Luther's relationship to music has been largely downplayed, yet music played a vital role in Luther's life—and he in turn had a deep and lasting effect on Christian hymnody. In Luther's Liturgical Music Robin Leaver comprehensively explores these connections. Replete with tables, figures, and musical examples, this volume is the most extensive study on Luther and music ever published. Leaver's work makes a formidable contribution to Reformation studies, but worship leaders, musicians, and others will also find it an invaluable, very readable resource.
Preaching from Home: The Stories of Seven Lutheran Women Hymn Writers
This volume by Gracia Grindal introduces English-speaking readers to several significant yet unsung Lutheran women hymn writers from the sixteenth century to the present. After a brief introductory discussion of Elisabeth Cruciger, the first woman hymn writer of the Reformation, Grindal provides fascinating profiles of these talented Scandinavian women who "preached from home": Dorothe Engelbretsdatter, Birgitte Hertz Boye, Berthe Canutte Aarflot, Lina Sandell, Britt G. Hallqvist, and Lisbeth Smedegaard Andersen.
The Captivation of the Will: Luther Vs. Erasmus on Freedom and Bondage
The Captivation of the Will provocatively revisits a perennial topic of controversy: human free will. Highly esteemed Lutheran thinker Gerhard O. Forde cuts to the heart of the subject by reexamining the famous debate on the will between Luther and Erasmus. Following a substantial introduction by James A. Nestingen that brings to life the historical background of the debate, Forde thoroughly explores Luther's "Bondage of the Will" and the dispute between Erasmus and Luther that it reflects.
The Early Luther: Stages in a Reformation Reorientation
The development of Martin Luther's thought has commanded much scholarly attention because of the Reformation and its remarkable effects on the history of Christianity in the West. But much of that scholarship has been so enthralled by certain later debates that it has practically ignored and even distorted the context in and against which Luther's thought developed. In The Early Luther Berndt Hamm, armed with expertise both in late-medieval intellectual life and in Luther, presents new perspectives that leave old debates behind.
The Pastoral Luther: Essays on Martin Luther’s Practical Theology
Sixteen church historians here examine Martin Luther in an uncommon way—not as Reformer or theologian but as pastor. Luther's work as parish pastor commanded much of his time and energy in Wittenberg. After first introducing the pastoral Luther, including his theology of the cross, these chapters discuss Luther's preaching and use of language (including humor), investigate his teaching ministry in depth, especially in light of the catechism, and explore his views on such things as the role of women, the Virgin Mary, and music.
The Preached God: Proclamation in Word and Sacrament
The Preached God speaks directly to preachers, calling them to deliver the truths of forgiveness, life, and salvation through both word and sacrament to all who listen.
The Role of Justification in Contemporary Theology
In this significant book Mark C. Mattes critically evaluates the role of justification in the theologies of five leading Protestant thinkers—Eberhard Jungel, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Jurgen Moltmann, Robert W. Jenson, and Oswald Bayer -- pointing out their respective strengths and weaknesses and showing how each matches up with Luther's own views. Offering both an excellent review of recent trends in Christian theology and a powerful analysis of these trends, Mattes points readers to the various ways in which the doctrine of justification has been applied today.
Theology the Lutheran Way
Rather than asking if theology is theoretical or practical—a question that reveals a fundamental lack of understanding about the nature of theology in general—it is better to ask "What exactly is theology?" It is this question that Oswald Bayer attempts to answer in Theology the Lutheran Way, clearing up misconceptions about the essence of theology. Along with Luther himself, Bayer claims that theology, rather than being something that we do, is really what God does.
Lutheran Quarterly Books
Under the editorial guidance of Paul Rorem, Benjamin B. Warfield Professor of Ecclesiastical History emeritus at Princeton Theological Seminary, Lutheran Quarterly provides excellent historical and theological scholarship to Lutheran teachers, clergy, missionaries, and students.
Lutheran Quarterly Books, formerly published by Eerdmans, emphasizes Lutheran theology and the history of doctrine, as seen in the three titles by Gerhard Forde, two volumes by Oswald Bayer, and two collections of essays on Luther’s teachings edited by Timothy Wengert.
Associate Editors for Lutheran Quarterly and Lutheran Quarterly Books are Mary Jane Haemig (Luther Seminary, emeritus), Mark Mattes (Grand View University), and Timothy Wengert (United Lutheran Seminary, emeritus).