The Dionysian Mystical Theology
This book introduces the Pseudo-Dionysian "mystical theology," with glimpses at key stages in its interpretation and critical reception through the centuries.
Enkindling Love: The Legacy of Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross
The theme of Enkindling Love is God’s desire for partnership with us. Excerpts from the seven dwelling places of Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle are interspersed with brief selections from John of the Cross’s mystical trilogy, The Dark Night of the Soul, Spiritual Canticle, and The Living Flame of Love, in order to show the seven stages of growth and transformation.
Existing Before God: Søren Kierkegaard and the Human Venture
Existing Before God introduces readers to one of the most important nineteenth century Christian thinkers, Søren Kierkegaard. In this volume, Paul R. Sponheim, unfolds Kierkegaard's Sickness unto Death— a key text outlining the problem of the human condition and the paradoxical heart of authentic Christian faith, the qualitative difference between God and creatures and its synthesis in the God-man. Sponheim also draws out the connections between this text and Kierkegaard's larger theological and ethical vision, and the reception and significance of this text in the modern and contemporary theological tradition.
Thomas and the Thomists: The Achievement of Thomas Aquinas and His Interpreters
Thomas and the Thomists, a new volume in the Mapping the Tradition series, serves as an introduction to the life of Aquinas, the major contours of his teaching, and the lasting contribution he made to Christian thought. Romanus Cessario and Cajetan Cuddy also outline the history of the Thomist tradition—the great school of Aquinas’s interpreters—from the medieval era through the revival of the Thomist heritage in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This volume affords its readers a working guide to understanding the history of Aquinas and his expositors as well as to grasping their significance for us today.
Athanasius and His Legacy: Trinitarian-Incarnational Soteriology and Its Reception
Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Cap., and Daniel A. Keating introduce readers to one the key thinkers of the fourth century and the chief architect of Christian doctrine: Athanasius. The authors carefully illuminate Athanasius's crucial text Against the Arians, unfolding the Trinitarian and incarnation framework of Athanasius's paramount concern (soteriology), and providing, in the second part, a robust map of the reception and influence of Athanasius's thought—from its immediate impact on the late fourth and fifth centuries (in the Cappadocians and Cyril) to its significance in the Eastern and Western traditions and its reception in contemporary thought.
Mapping the Tradition
Mapping the Tradition is a new series of brief, compact guides to pivotal thinkers in Christian history. Each volume focuses upon a particular figure and provides a concise but lucid introduction to the central features of each thinker’s work and sketches the lasting significance of that thinker for the history of Christian theology. As well, the series utilizes primary source works from each thinker as an entry point for exposition and exploration. Guided by leading scholars in history and theology, primary source texts are reproduced with explanatory commentary, and are accompanied by orientational essays to the context, contours, and historical and conceptual legacy of the corpus. Designed for beginning and intermediate students, as well as interested general readers, who will benefit from clear, helpful surveys of thinkers, texts, and theologies from across the epochs of Christian history and introduction to major issues and key historical and intellectual points of development.
Learn more about the series
Watch series advisor Paul Rorem introduce the approach, scope, and vision behind Mapping the Tradition!
Look for more titles in this series beginning 2016
Eras of exploration:
Early Christianity
Irenaeus of Lyons: The Making of the Great Tradition
Khaled Anatolios, Boston College
Athanasius: Trinitarian-Incarnational Soteriology and Its Reception
Thomas G. Weinandy, Dominican House of Studies, and Daniel Keating, St. Paul
Center for Biblical Theology
The Dionysian Mystical Theology
Paul Rorem, Princeton Theological Seminary
John of Damascus: The Radiance of Orthodoxy
Andrew Louth, Durham University
Thomas and the Thomists: The Achievement of Thomas Aquinas and his
Romanus Cessario, O.P., St. John's Seminary, and Cajetan Cuddy, O.P., St. Joseph’s Church, New York City
Luther and Christian Freedom
Robert Kolb, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri
Enkindling Love: The Legacy of Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross
Gillian Ahlgren, Xavier University
Early Modern
Existing Before God: Søren Kierkegaard and the Human Venture
Paul R. Sponheim, Luther Seminary
Schleiermacher: The Psychology of Christian Faith and Life
Terrence N. Tice, University of Michigan
Check back for more titles to be announced soon!