Jesus and the Resurrection: Reflections of Christians from Islamic Contexts
Jesus and the Resurrection seeks to build a bridge between Christians and Muslims around the resurrection of Jesus. Third in a trilogy of Christians living in Islamic contexts, this book is a meeting of sorts in the irreconcilable chasm between Muslim and Christian beliefs about Jesus.
Jesus in Africa: The Christian Gospel in African History and Experience
Jesus in Africa is the first in a series entitled Theological Reflections from the South, which aims to make accessible within Africa, in both English and French, some of the creative thinking emerging from the Southern continents.
Jubilee: God's Answer to Poverty?
At the heart of Old Testament law is a revolutionary concept that, if applied today, could transform our economy and world: jubilee. Uniting social justice, creation care, equality and worship, Jubilee presents a radical challenge and helps us understand the redemptive, restorative power of the jubilee principles today.
Korean Diaspora and Christian Mission
Korean Diaspora and Christian Mission is the first volume of research about Korean missions in diasporic contexts, appraising and evaluating these missions with practical illustrations, and drawing on a wide diversity of research.
Leadership and Authority: Bula Matari and Life-Community Ecclesiology in Congo
Leadership and Authority proposes that Christian theology in Africa can have a significant impact if a critical understanding of the socio-political situation in contemporary Africa is taken seriously. Departing from the problematic, colonial Bula Matari model, this book examines liberation and authority with Christian principles.
Líbranos del Mal: la corrupción y el desafío para la fe y la iglesia cristiana en América Latina
Escribiendo no solo desde la teoria sino desde una comprension contextualizada de esta problematica que afecta directamente la calidad de vida de millones de personas en America Latina, Laver desarolla una propuesta coherente y relevante para la iglesia de hoy.
Mangoes or Bananas?: The Quest for an Authentic Asian Christian Theology, Second Edition
In this new edition of Mangoes or Bananas?, the author shares his personal journey to understanding the growing need for contextual theologies throughout Asia. Examining the adequacy or otherwise of Protestant Asian writings, this book explores how authentic Asian Christian theologies depend on both gospel and culture within Asian Christianity.
Ministry Across Cultures: Sharing the Christian Faith in Asia
How do we understand what culture is all about? How do we reach out to people from different cultures? What impact does culture have on making disciples? What impact does culture have on the local church? Ministry Across Cultures addresses all these questions and more.
Mission Agencies in Crisis?
Mission Agencies in Crisis? examines theology and aspects of six British mission agencies, aiming to understand their capability to respond to the crisis of a disconnect between mission practitioners and mission academy. This book reveals how the answer to responding effectively to challenges lies in leadership and governance.
Mission as Transformation
Mission as Transformation brings together twenty-five years of biblical reflection on mission practice around the world. This volume portrays how evangelicals, struggling to unite evangelism and social action, found their way to the biblical view of mission in which God calls all human beings to love God and their neighbour.
Mission as Transformation: Learning from Catalysts
Mission as Transformation brings together twenty-five years of biblical reflection on mission practice around the world. This volume portrays how evangelicals, struggling to unite evangelism and social action, found their way to the biblical view of mission in which God calls all human beings to love God and their neighbour.
Mission in Secularised Contexts of Europe: Contemporary Narratives and Experiences
Mission in Secularised Contexts of Europe poses a challenge to the Church to discern the times and rethink its mission. This book prompts the Church to belong to the age by retelling and recasting the meaning of the gospel in different contexts.
Mission in the Spirit: Towards a Pentecostal/Charismatic Missiology
Mission in the Spirit explores the unique contribution of Pentecostal/Charismatic mission from the beginning of the twentieth century. Starting with the theological basis of mission thinking and practice, then exploring the contributions and challenges arisen as a result, this book outlines a vision for the missionary movement's future.
Mission Possible, Second Edition: The Biblical Strategy for Reaching the Lost
Mission Possible is a refreshing and much-needed return to first principles. Mission is possible precisely because it is God's mission, in God's world, undertaken by God's people, in God's way. God's mission is not only possible, but its ultimate objective is inevitable.
Mission to the World: Communicating the Gospel in the 21st Century: Essays in Honour of Knud Jørgensen
Mission to the World is a collection of essays in celebration of Dr. Knud Jørgensen, a deeply connected international church and mission leader. This book examines the gospel and context of mission, and how Jørgensen's energy and efforts have rippled outward from this work.
My Story with Governance
Tom Houston held top jobs in several Christian organisations. My Story with Governance is the product of what he learned in those experiences. Houston examines what Jesus taught about governance in the gospels, and how churches impact the nations to which they belong.
Nigeria's Christian Revolution: The Civil War Revival and Its Pentecostal Progeny (1967-2006)
From the Nigerian civil war to the new millennium, this book explores the Christian revival among Igbo people in Eastern Nigeria. Nigeria's Christian Revolution goes in depth on the revivalist and Pentecostal experience, against the backdrop of local socio-political and economic developments, such as decolonisation, modernisation and globalisation.
On Eagles' Wings: Models in Mentoring
David Cranston writes unashamedly as a Christian for whom no account of mentoring would be complete without placing it in the biggest context of all: that of the relationship between humans and God. This book emerges from a lifetime's reflection on the vital but neglected topic of mentoring.
On Earth as it is in Heaven: Socio-Environmental Experiences in the Local Church
On Earth as it is in Heaven presents concrete experiences of social environmental action in churches in Brazil. Representing a diversity of styles and contexts, coming from different regions of the country, these experiences and actions put the divine principle of 'as in heaven' into practice.
Orthodox Handbook on Ecumenism: Resources for Theological Education
The Orthodox Handbook tells stories of great theologians who overcame stereotypes to lay foundational stones in the history of Orthodoxy and ecumenism. For students, scholars and theologians alike, this book is a guide to sustaining ecumenical collaboration in Christian advocacy in European Churches and beyond.
Academic World Religions Christianity
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