Saving Beauty: A Theological Aesthetics of Nature
With interdisciplinary verve, engaging systematic, philosophical, and art theory systems of aesthetics, this volume fosters the cultivation of the sense of beauty through creative, religious, and sacramental experience. All three types, in fact, are critically nec
Preaching the Headlines: Possibilities and Pitfalls
Preaching the Headlines reframes preaching as an ongoing conversation between the modern world and the world of the biblical text. Preachers use what they know about life as a bridge to the text, while life in the text provides the bridge back to faith in the contemporary world. The goal of the book is to provide a process to aid preachers in doing theological reflection on the everyday world as an integral part of sermon development.
The Annotated Luther, Volume 6: The Interpretation of Scripture
This volume features Martin Luther the exegete and Bible teacher. His vast exegetical writings and lectures on Scripture are introduced through important examples from both...
Doing Justice: Congregations and Community Organizing, 2nd Edition
Doing Justice introduces people of faith to congregation-based community organizing rooted in the day-to- day struggles and hopes of urban ministry. Drawing from the author’s decades of...
Wholly Citizens: God's Two Realms and Christian Engagement with the World
Wholly Citizens addresses the relation between the church and the world in light of the Reformation teaching of the two realms—especially as presented by Luther. Rather than exploring again the usual texts of Luther from the 1520’s, this book begins with a careful reading of Luther’s Commentary on Psalm 81 (1531), and then considers subsequent interpreters of Luther, both faithful and otherwise, and the dubious legacy they have left the church.
Book of Harmony: Spirit and Service in the Lutheran Confessions
This study presents the Lutheran Confessions as a valuable partner for ministry in twenty-first-century contexts, interpreting these teachings for those who want to learn more about this branch of the Reformation.
The Body of God: An Ecological Theology
Award-winning theologian Sallie McFague here develops a striking and novel vision of the universe, one that takes seriously and radically both contemporary...
Christianity Made in India: From Apostle Thomas to Mother Teresa
Christianity Made in India: From Apostle Thomas to Mother Teresa discusses the indigenization of Christianity in the Indian context. It is set in the larger...
Christ Divided: Antiblackness as Corporate Vice
Bringing the wisdom of generations of black Catholics into conversation with contemporary scholarly accounts of racism, Christ Divided diagnoses “antiblackness supremacy” as a corporate vice...
Is God Christian?: Christian Identity in Public Theology: An Asian Contribution
Is God Christian? Christian Identity in Public Theology: An Asian Contribution is a sequel to Niles’s previous book, The Lotus and the Sun: Asian Theological...
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Two Kingdoms and Two Cities: Mapping Theological Traditions of Church, Culture, and Civil Order
The recent emergence of “two kingdoms” and “two cities” approaches to Christian social thinking is shown to have a key—and often unacknowledged—connection to Luther’s reshaping...
Bound Choice, Election, and Wittenberg Theological Method: From Martin Luther to the Formula of Concord
Galvanized by Erasmus' teaching on free will, Martin Luther wrote De servo arbitrio, or The Bondage of the Will, insisting that the sinful human will could not turn itself to God. In this first study to investigate the sixteenth-century reception of De servo, Robert Kolb unpacks Luther's theology and recounts his followers' ensuing disputes until their resolution in the Lutheran churches' 1577 Formula of Concord.
The Captivation of the Will: Luther Vs. Erasmus on Freedom and Bondage
The Captivation of the Will provocatively revisits a perennial topic of controversy: human free will. Highly esteemed Lutheran thinker Gerhard O. Forde cuts to the heart of the subject by reexamining the famous debate on the will between Luther and Erasmus. Following a substantial introduction by James A. Nestingen that brings to life the historical background of the debate, Forde thoroughly explores Luther's "Bondage of the Will" and the dispute between Erasmus and Luther that it reflects.
Kenotic Ecclesiology: Select Writings of Donald M. MacKinnon
In this collection, MacKinnon’s central writings on the major themes of ecclesiology, and especially the relationship of the church to theology, are gathered in one source: including his two volumes from the 1940 ‘Signposts’ series and a later collection of essays entitled ‘Stripping of the Altars’.
Rupturing Eschatology: Divine Glory and the Silence of the Cross
Rupturing Eschatology is Eric Trozzo's constructive retrieval of Luther's theology of the cross for the purpose of establishing a contemporary Lutheran and "emerging" account of the cross, silence, and eschatology.
Changing Horizons: Explorations in Feminist Interpretation
The second of two volumes highlighting the ways in which Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza's work constructs a critical feminist theory and praxis of liberation, in relation to the biblical text and its legacy.
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Liberating Lutheran Theology: Freedom for Justice and Solidarity in a Global Context
Spanning the continents, three internationally respected theologians demonstrate how the thought and legacy of Martin Luther can serve in an ecumenical and...
Who Is the Church? An Ecclesiology for the Twenty-First Century
Peterson places the questions of the church's identity and mission into a conversation with the primary ecclesiological paradigms of the past century.
Blessed Are the Consumers: Climate Change and the Practice of Restraint
In this timely book, Sallie McFague recalls her readers to the practices of restraint.
Questioning Assumptions: Rethinking the Philosophy of Religion
Tom Christenson turns philosophy inside out in this remarkable new book. Starting with the ongoing public debate over God's existence, he approaches traditional...
Academic Theology Systematic Constructive
135 Products