Longing for Running Water: Ecofeminism and Liberation
Gebara's succinct yet moving statement of her principles of ecofeminism shows how intertwined are the tarnished environment around her and the poverty that...
Sacred Drama: A Spirituality of Christian Liturgy
Patricia Wilson-Kastner's wonderfully crafted work views the liturgy as a cosmic drama, enacting a sacred meal that grounds us in the universe, draws us into...
Fortress Introduction to the Lutheran Confessions
Despite their near-scriptural status, the Lutheran Confessions are not widely used in Lutheran circles, the authors believe, because presentation of them has...
Pastoral Care of Gays, Lesbians, and Their Families
This book, written by a pastoral theologian with years of experience in counseling gay and lesbian individuals and their families, assist both pastoral...
Pastoral Care of Older Adults
By the year 2000 more than half of mainline Protestants will be over the age of sixty. Older adults have special needs to which many pastors are not...
Holy Things: A Liturgical Theology
Cyril of Jerusalem wrote about "holy things." He thereby reflected the communion invitation used in his fourth-century liturgy to call...
Christian Liturgy: Catholic and Evangelical
Written with special attention to Early Church, Reformation, and present day traditions, this is a new comprehensive study of Christian liturgy that sorts...
The Source of Life: The Holy Spirit and the Theology of Life
Directly, simply, and forcefully, Jürgen Moltmann here presents his reflections on the Spirit and the spiritual life that were the essence of his prior book,...
What Is Theology?
Available in English for the first time, What Is Theology? presents a clear compendium of the theology of one of this century's giants. From 1926 to 1936...
The Christology of Jesus
In this bold experiment in Christology, Ben Witherington develops a new, indirect method to discern Jesus' self-understanding. Using the evangelist's...
Grief, Transition, and Loss: A Pastor's Practical Guide
In this new book, veteran counselor Wayne Oates shares ideas from a lifetime of ministry.
Gustavo Gutierrez: Essential Writings
This volume concentrates on the key texts and ideas in Gustavo Gutiérrez's thought. It presents the essential Gutiérrez for students and the general reader....
The Way of Jesus Christ: Christology in Messianic Dimensions
The Way of Jesus Christ discusses the following topics: 1. The symbol of the way embodies the aspect of process and brings out christology's alignment...
Figuring the Sacred: Religion, Narrative, and Imagination
The thought of Paul Ricoeur continues its profound effect on theology, religious studies, and biblical interpretation. Introduced by Mark Wallace, the...
The Trinity and the Kingdom
“A creative rethinking of the Trinity in Light of human suffering. . . In the suffering of Christ we see that we have a God...
The Politics of God: Christian Theologies and Social Justice
How is it that the same Christian beliefs can be used both to bolster an oppressive regime and rally opposition to it? Are there any norms intrinsic to...
Karl Barth: Theologian of Freedom
Ranked by many among the great theologians of church history, Karl Barth was the leading European theologian in the first half of this century. His 1919 ...
The Skilled Pastor: Counseling as the Practice of Theology
A splendid volume detailing the specific skills necessary for sound pastoral guidance in various situations. The author integrates theological reflection...
Preaching and the Literary Forms of the Bible
Long argues that the literary form and dynamics of biblical texts can and should make a difference in the kinds of sermons created from those texts, not only...
Models of God: Theology for an Ecological, Nuclear Age
In this award-winning text, theologian Sallie McFague challenges Christians' usual speech about God as a kind of monarch. She probes instead three other...
Academic Theology Systematic
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