Being Salvation: Atonement and Soteriology in the Theology of Karl Rahner
Karl Rahner's theory of how Jesus saves has garnered criticism. Rahner's portrayal of Jesus has been described by Hans Urs von Balthasar as merely notifying the world...
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Time of Troubles: A New Economic Framework for Early Christianity
Economic realities have been increasingly at the center of discussion of the New Testament and early church. Studies have tended to be either apologetic in tone, or...
Finding God Among our Neighbors, Volume 2: An Interfaith Systematic Theology
For too many students, Christian theology is learned in isolation from other religions traditions. With this, the second volume of her important work, Kristin Johnston Largen returns to expand the systematic theology she began in the original volume.
Theology the Lutheran Way
Rather than asking if theology is theoretical or practical—a question that reveals a fundamental lack of understanding about the nature of theology in general—it is better to ask "What exactly is theology?" It is this question that Oswald Bayer attempts to answer in Theology the Lutheran Way, clearing up misconceptions about the essence of theology. Along with Luther himself, Bayer claims that theology, rather than being something that we do, is really what God does.
Bound Choice, Election, and Wittenberg Theological Method: From Martin Luther to the Formula of Concord
Galvanized by Erasmus' teaching on free will, Martin Luther wrote De servo arbitrio, or The Bondage of the Will, insisting that the sinful human will could not turn itself to God. In this first study to investigate the sixteenth-century reception of De servo, Robert Kolb unpacks Luther's theology and recounts his followers' ensuing disputes until their resolution in the Lutheran churches' 1577 Formula of Concord.
The Captivation of the Will: Luther Vs. Erasmus on Freedom and Bondage
The Captivation of the Will provocatively revisits a perennial topic of controversy: human free will. Highly esteemed Lutheran thinker Gerhard O. Forde cuts to the heart of the subject by reexamining the famous debate on the will between Luther and Erasmus. Following a substantial introduction by James A. Nestingen that brings to life the historical background of the debate, Forde thoroughly explores Luther's "Bondage of the Will" and the dispute between Erasmus and Luther that it reflects.
Insights from Performance Criticism
Peter S. Perry describes the rise of performance criticism and its application to biblical studies and theology. He discusses the new understanding of biblical texts, particularly Gospel writings, that performance criticism has proposed, and presents challenges for the future of performance criticism and its role in biblical interpretation generally.
The Dionysian Mystical Theology
This book introduces the Pseudo-Dionysian "mystical theology," with glimpses at key stages in its interpretation and critical reception through the centuries.
Beyond Apathy: A Theology for Bystanders
Theological conversations about violence typically frame the conversation in terms of victim and perpetrator. Comprehensive theological responses to violence must also address the role of collective passivity of bystanders of violence. Beyond Apathy examines the theological significance of bystander participation in patterns of violence and violation within contemporary Western culture, giving particular attention to the social issues of bullying, white racism, and sexual violence. In doing so, it constructs a theology of redeeming grace for bystanders to violence that foregrounds the significance of social action in bringing about God's community.
God Ahead of Us: The Story of Divine Grace
In an accessible account, the author narrates the doctrine of grace as directed towards and explained by the fact that God has destined humans to spend eternity in communion with the Triune creator.
Healing in the Gospel of Matthew: Reflections on Method and Ministry
Walter T. Wilson adopts an interdisciplinary approach to the healing narratives in the Gospel of Matthew, combining the familiar methods of form, redaction, and narrative criticisms with insights culled from medical anthropology, feminist theory, disability studies, and ancient archaeology.
Interreligious Learning and Teaching: A Christian Rationale for a Transformative Praxis
There is still resistance in Christian institutions to interreligious dialogue. this attitude belies the current culture in which we live, which constantly exposes us to the beliefs and practices of others. Kristin Johnston Largen sees this setting as an opportunity and seeks to provide not only the theological grounding for such a position but also some practical advice on how both to teach and live out this conviction.
Reviving the Congregation: Pastoral Leadership in a Changing Context
Dr. Foss here offers a compelling introduction to the new context in which we lead our congregations and the personal and congregational strategies that will offer a way forward.
Jürgen Moltmann: Collected Readings
Jürgen Moltmann's life and work have marked the history of theology after the Second World War in Europe and North America like no other.
Rupturing Eschatology: Divine Glory and the Silence of the Cross
Rupturing Eschatology is Eric Trozzo's constructive retrieval of Luther's theology of the cross for the purpose of establishing a contemporary Lutheran and "emerging" account of the cross, silence, and eschatology.
Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod: A Conflict That Changed American Christianity
Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod follows the rise of two Lutheran clergymen-Herman Otten and J. A. O. Preus-who led different wings of a...
Who Is the Church? An Ecclesiology for the Twenty-First Century
Peterson places the questions of the church's identity and mission into a conversation with the primary ecclesiological paradigms of the past century.
Changing Horizons: Explorations in Feminist Interpretation
The second of two volumes highlighting the ways in which Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza's work constructs a critical feminist theory and praxis of liberation, in relation to the biblical text and its legacy.
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The Quest for the Historical Satan
The figure of Satan has for centuries embodied or incarnated absolute evil. Existing alongside more intellectualist interpretations of evil, Satan has figured...
Preaching Doctrine: For the Twenty-First Century
Fewer people today are familiar with the vital theological ideas from the Christian tradition. Preaching about the continuing relevance and richness of this...
Academic Theology Systematic
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