Reconciliation: Restoring Justice
Whether born in the Mideast, Africa, Asia, or brought home to the streets of America, violent hatreds often threaten to swamp the minimal cooperation needed...
When Violence Is No Stranger: Pastoral Counseling with Survivors of Acquaintance Rape
"It is not my enemies who taunt me?I could bear that.... It is you, my equal, my companion, my familiar friend...." Ps. 55:12-13 The paucity of...
Camino a Emaús: Compartiendo el ministerio de Jesús
This multi-authored, ecumenical book presents a theology of ministry based on the experience of Hispanic communities in the United States. Composed in...
Gender, Ethnicity, and Religion: Views from the Other Side
The study of religion and the practice of theology have been transformed in recent years by incorporating new perspectives on race, ethnicity, and gender....
Healing a Broken World: Globalization and God
While spirituality is still thought to be primarily a personal quest for holiness and religious experience, it might be thought mere narcissism in an era of...
Hidden Spring: The Spiritual Dimension of Therapy, Second Edition
Increasingly pastoral counselors—along with psychotherapists and social workers—feel the need to integrate spirituality into their therapy. Thomas...
Nature, Human Nature, and God
In his latest work, the dean of religion and science tackles some of the thorniest issues posed by contemporary thought. Thoroughly conversant with current...
A Servant's Manual: Christian Leadership for Tomorrow
Christians and their institutions are stuck, says Michael Foss, stuck in the thinking and dilemmas of the past. This short volume is a plea for Christians to...
The Book of Concord on CD-ROM
The new translation available in electronic format for a new generation of scholars Now on CD-ROM, and with hyperlinks to the biblical text, this fresh...
The Difficult But Indispensable Church
Why is it so difficult to be church today? Of course, Christian community is marked by ennobling worship, mutual care, and joyful celebration. But just as...
Bonhoeffer: A Brief Overview of the Life and Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life spanned four decades of the early twentieth century and was shaped within the crucible of two European wars and an economic depression. His life cannot be simply summarized as only one of trauma and tragedy. His was also a life filled with great blessing, even when requiring great courage and incredible sacrifice. The authenticity of Bonhoeffer's Christian faith and the integrity of his theology continues to inspire people.
Healing Violent Men: A Model for Christian Communities
Domestic violence is a widespread, though largely invisable, problem, often exacerbated by the pastoral urge to "keep the family together" at all costs. Yet...
The Human Being: Jesus and the Enigma of the Son of the Man
A thorny historical issue handled with artistry and imagination. The epithet "the son of the man" (or "the Human Being") in the Gospels has been a highly...
Critical Social Theory: Prophetic Reason, Civil Society, and Christian Imagination
Critical theory explained and espoused Simpson ably introduces critical social theory, the German-born intellectual movement that has spawned sharp...
God Will Be All in All: The Eschatology of Jürgen Moltmann
When published in 1964, Moltmann's Theology of Hope restored eschatology to the forefront of Christian theology. In 1996, The Coming of God: Christian...
The Kingdom and the Power: The Theology of Jürgen Moltmann
Moltmann's basic themes and achievements evocatively presented Jürgen Moltmann is arguably the most important German-speaking Protestant thinker since World...
Rediscovering Friendship: Awakening to the Power and Promise of Women's Friendships
"Friendship is a broad sphere which unites heaven and earth..." Less beholden to traditional models of family and to classical male ideals, a new generation...
Doing without Adam and Eve: Sociobiology and Original Sin
A new examination of the doctrine of original sin. In this provocative new addition to the acclaimed series, Patricia Williams assays the doctrine of...
Jesus and the Quest for Meaning: Entering Theology
A new approach to introducing theology As God's self-communication to humans, Jesus is the key to the human search for meaning, argues Thomas West. He...
Sacred Choices: The Right to Contraception and Abortion in Ten World Religions
Breaking the silence about choice. As the world teeters on the edge of overpopulation, this new addition to the Sacred Energies series aims to show how ten...
Academic Theology
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