A Visible Witness: Christology, Liberation, and Participation
A Visible Witness presents a fresh, innovative perspective on Protestant theology in Latin America liberation theology. The volume underscores the common theological interests to the Protestant and Catholic traditions: the praxical nature of theology, Christology, and soteriology. It also highlights how key Protestant theologians challenged Protestant theology in Latin America to develop a Trinitarian hermeneutic for Christology.
Forensic Apocalyptic Theology: Karl Barth and the Doctrine of Justification
Concerned by the ever-widening chasm between Paul and Reformation theology, Forensic Apocalyptic Theology is a thorough and innovative examination of the mature work of Karl Barth...
Martin Luther and the Called Life
In this refreshing book, Mark D. Tranvik turns attention to the importance of vocation in Luther’s life and in doing so discovers renewed insights into this important doctrine. Drawing from the rich experience of twenty years of teaching undergraduates, Tranvik balances the historical roots of Luther’s thought and contemporary relevance with skill and vigor.
Jesus of Korea: Savior of the People
Many people look to the 1970s and 1980s to find the cause of the rapid growth of Christianity in Korea. But to understand the real story behind the growth of the Korean church, we need to rediscover the story of the American missionary enterprises of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. There, we will learn how the story of the “American Christ” came to Korea and gradually became a part of the Korean people’s story. After the missions, he is no longer the American Christ, but Jesus of Korea.
God and Cosmology: William Lane Craig and Sean Carroll in Dialogue
The question of God and cosmology is far from abstract. In fact, the subject raises the deepest questions of human existence: "Why is there something...
“You Made Us for Yourself”: Creation in St. Augustine’s Confessions
Challenging the common notion that Augustine's Confessions lacks literary unity, "You Made Us for Yourself" approaches the Confessions in light of what Augustine himself would have considered most fundamental: creation, understood in a broad sense. Creation, for Augustine, is an epiphany, a light which reveals who God and man are. It is, Ortiz argues, the light within which Augustine wrote the Confessions and can account for the often despaired of meaning, structure, and unity of the Confessions.
eBook-What Is the Bible?: The Patristic Doctrine of Scripture
What Is the Bible? reopens a consideration of the doctrine of Scripture for contemporary theology, rooted in the tradition of the church Fathers (Greek, Latin, and Oriental)—an endeavor inspired by the theological vision of the twentieth century’s foremost Orthodox Christian theologian, Fr. Georges Florovsky.
Luther and Liberation: A Latin American Perspective, Second Edition
Luther and Liberation recovers the liberating and revolutionary impact of Luther’s theology, read afresh from the perspective of the Latin American context.
Paul's Eschatological Anthropology: The Dynamics of Human Transformation
Sarah Harding examines Paul’s anthropology from the perspective of eschatology, concluding that his view of humans depends on his belief that the cosmos evolves through distinct aeons in progress towards its telos.
Walking in Love: Moral Progress and Spiritual Growth with the Apostle Paul
J. Paul Sampley explores how Paul instructed the followers who trekked behind him in "the upward call of God in Christ Jesus," (Phil. 3:14).
Sarah Coakley and the Future of Systematic Theology
Sarah Coakley is one of the most exciting and creative figures in contemporary theology, forwarding an integrated vision that coheres around the mystical and contemplative core of Christian experience. This volume brings together, around Coakley’s work, a gathering of established and emerging scholars and asks critical questions of Coakley’s systematic theology.
Correlating Sobornost: Conversations between Karl Barth and the Russian Orthodox Tradition
This project generates conversation between the great thinkers of the Russian Orthodox tradition with the most significant Protestant theologian of the last century, Karl Barth.
The Impassioned Life: Reason and Emotion in the Christian Tradition
The Impassioned Life argues that theology’s task today is to rethink the nature of emotions and their relation to human reason. At heart, this volume offers a holistic vision of the Christian life lived passionately in its full range of feeling as life in the Spirit.
The Wisdom and Foolishness of God: First Corinthians 1-2 in Theological Exploration
The first two chapters of 1 Corinthians have played a significant role in the history of Christian theology. Interpreting the central event in Christianity, the crucifixion of Jesus, Paul reflects on the wisdom and foolishness of God in the “word of the cross.”
Foundational Theology: A New Approach to Catholic Fundamental Theology
The authors in this work provide a comprehensive approach to theological foundations for theologians while employing a new, groundbreaking approach to the discipline through the application of the insights of Bernard Lonergan, one of the foremost Catholic theologians of the modern era.
The Gift of Theology: The Contribution of Kathryn Tanner
Kathryn Tanner is undoubtedly one of the most important contemporary North American theologians; her work is hallmarked by its depth, precision, provocativeness, and grace. This volume celebrates the vision and breadth of Tanner’s unique contribution.
Fruit for the Soul: Luther on the Lament Psalms
It is easy to forget how often Luther’s concerns turned toward helping the common person understand and take comfort from God’s word. In this volume, Dennis Ngien helps contemporary readers engage Luther’s commentary on the lament psalms.
Liturgical Reform after Vatican II: The Impact on Eastern Orthodoxy
This study examines Orthodox liturgical reform after Vatican II through the lens of Catholic-Orthodox ecumenical dialogue.
Anticipating God's New Creation: Essays in Honor of Ted Peters
Ted Peters has consistently promulgated a theological vision for how God's action from the future is anticipated now. Moreover, Peters' thinking theologically about how God s future can become present to our world has shaped not only his own work but subsequent generations of scholars, pastors, and professional colleagues.
Reading Scripture as a Political Act: Essays on the Theopolitical Interpretation of the Bible
This volume explores the political character of premodern and modern readings of Scripture with attention to how these relate to or address political challenges in social and historical contexts.
Academic Theology
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