Fortress Press

Academic Theology

  • Bonhoeffer for the Church: An Introduction

    Bonhoeffer for the Church: An Introduction

    Matthew D. Kirkpatrick (Author)

    Bonhoeffer for the Church offers an accessible but comprehensive introduction to Bonhoeffer's life and thought for those in ministry or interested in understanding their life in community better. In making Bonhoeffer accessible for the church, Kirkpatrick also reveals Bonhoeffer's astonishing message to the church.


  • Old Words for a New World

    Old Words for a New World

    Walter Brueggemann (Author), Conrad L. Kanagy (Editor)

    Brueggemann moves between a description of the reality that appears in front of the church and the alternative that God is preparing for God's people that begins now and moves into God's eschatological future. In so doing, Brueggemann seeks to unleash the power of God's words to create a new world--here and now.


    Available February 4, 2025

  • Living Out of Control: Political and Personal Faith in Waning Christendom

    Living Out of Control: Political and Personal Faith in Waning Christendom

    Rodney Clapp (Author)

    Living Out of Control is an exploration of how American Christians can respond to our political situation amid waning Christendom. Clapp depicts how we may now live as Christians without the reassertion of Christendom. The book offers hopeful chapters on prefigurative politics, the Christian anarchic tendency, friendship, and resonance.


    Available February 18, 2025

  • Meeting the Enemy: The Fossil Fuel Industry and the Power of Christian Climate Resistance

    Meeting the Enemy: The Fossil Fuel Industry and the Power of Christian Climate Resistance

    Kevin J. O'Brien (Author)

    The catastrophic effects of climate change are overwhelming. What can we do? Who is responsible? In the tradition of Walter Wink, O'Brien reminds us that Christians have the power to name and oppose the enemies of God's creation. The fossil fuel industry is our enemy. We can confront this evil power and build a more faithful future.


    Available February 18, 2025

  • Agapic Anger: Influencing Change While Navigating Gender

    Agapic Anger: Influencing Change While Navigating Gender

    Jan R. Schnell (Author)

    Christian culture often treats anger as problematic, conditioning women and gender-diverse people to act in ways that make others feel secure. If these groups do display anger, only constricted expressions like sadness seem acceptable. Jan R. Schnell argues that communities benefit when people fully explore anger as a vital part of vocation.


    Available February 25, 2025

  • Walking with Our Ancestors: Contemplation and Activism

    Walking with Our Ancestors: Contemplation and Activism

    Barbara A. Holmes (Author)

    Contemplation is a necessary step of activism. Barbara Holmes reveals that the justice movements in the twentieth century came from consistent contemplation practices of those seeking liberation. Through both contemplation and activism, our ancestors paved the way while showing us how to continue the fight for justice.


  • bell hooks' Spiritual Vision: Buddhist, Christian, and Feminist

    bell hooks' Spiritual Vision: Buddhist, Christian, and Feminist

    Nadra Nittle (Author)

    Widely heralded as a leading feminist scholar, bell hooks also identified as a Buddhist Christian who believed that love was the antidote to oppression. In bell hooks' Spiritual Vision, Nadra Nittle traces the spirituality in hooks' writings. The book shows hooks as a feminist and a believer who knit together her political and spiritual practices.


  • Elements of Christian Thought: A Basic Course in Christianese

    Elements of Christian Thought: A Basic Course in Christianese

    Eugene F. Rogers Jr. (Author)

    In the spring of 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic disrupted classrooms around the world, Eugene Rogers transcribed the lectures that make his Introduction to Christian Thought course justly famous.

    The result is an engaging introduction to the language--"Christianese"--that participants use to discuss God's activity in and for our world.

    From Anselm to Wyschogrod, Rogers introduces us to the most interesting speakers of Christianese, enabling us to take part in the living conversation.


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  • End Time Politics: From the Moral Majority to QAnon

    End Time Politics: From the Moral Majority to QAnon

    Keri L. Ladner (Author), Randall Balmer (Foreword by)

    End Time Politics shows how popular beliefs about God's impending judgment on the world--rooted in millenarian ideologies, Cold-War grandstanding, racial antipathy, and nuclear build-up--shaped an economic movement that led to white evangelicals' unflinching support of Donald Trump.


  • The Disappearance of Eve and the Gender of Christ: Why Traditional Soteriology Requires a Trans Savior

    The Disappearance of Eve and the Gender of Christ: Why Traditional Soteriology Requires a Trans Savior

    Kevin Carnahan (Author)

    By assigning responsibility for sin to Adam and credit for salvation to Christ, Paul removed Eve from salvation history. This book revises Paul's original formula and, with it, common claims about Christ's sex and gender. It accepts Christ as both the new Adam and the new Eve and accepts that Christ is, theologically speaking, trans.


    Available April 15, 2025

  • How to Think Theologically: Fourth Edition

    How to Think Theologically: Fourth Edition

    Howard W. Stone (Author), James O. Duke (Author)

    Decades of use and refinement have confirmed How to Think Theologically as a guide for theology students realizing their call to be theologians. Focusing not on thinkers or thoughts, but on thinking, Stone and Duke induct readers into habits of mind that allow understanding of all things social, cultural, and personal in relation to God.


  • Enfleshing Freedom: Body, Race, and Being, Second Edition

    Enfleshing Freedom: Body, Race, and Being, Second Edition

    M. Shawn Copeland (Author)

    M. Shawn Copeland demonstrates how Black women's historical experience casts a different light on our theological ideas about being human. This new edition incorporates recent theological, historical, and political scholarship; engages with current social movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo; and presents a new chapter on the body.


  • Apocalypses in Context: Apocalyptic Currents through History, 2nd Edition

    Apocalypses in Context: Apocalyptic Currents through History, 2nd Edition

    Kelly J. Murphy (Editor), Justin Jeffcoat Schedtler (Editor)

    Apocalypses in Context is designed for the classroom, bringing together the insights of scholars and using different methods to discuss the manifestations of apocalyptic enthusiasm in different ages. The second edition includes four new chapters on topics relevant to the modern student and revisions based on classroom feedback.


    Available May 27, 2025

  • Befriending the North Wind: Children, Moral Agency, and the Good Death

    Befriending the North Wind: Children, Moral Agency, and the Good Death

    Robyn Boeré (Author)

    Befriending the North Wind is about the moral lives of children and their agency in decisions about death. It examines the dimensions of human meaning children reveal and the new horizons they open to us. It asserts that children can die a good death and that they can and should have a voice in their end-of-life care.


  • The Mystified Letter: How Medieval Theology Can Reenchant the Practice of Reading

    The Mystified Letter: How Medieval Theology Can Reenchant the Practice of Reading

    Craig Tichelkamp (Author)

    Reading has become a problem--not just of attention, comprehension, or illiteracy rates, but of politics, society, and religion. The Mystified Letter offers an alternative to this malaise: a theology of reading centered on mystical encounter. It retrieves medieval Christian reading culture to build a case for a mystical theology of literature.


  • What Are Drugs For?: An Exploration of Stolen Fire

    What Are Drugs For?: An Exploration of Stolen Fire

    Timothy McMahan King (Author)

    What Are Drugs For? excavates the religious and social histories of humanity's relationships with drugs, showing how they have shaped religions, societies, and notions of the good life. Drugs are tools for human flourishing, but are best known for their powers of destruction. What Are Drugs For? is about what makes the difference.


    Available June 3, 2025

  • Experiencing Gospel: The History and Creativity of Martin Luther's 1534 Bible Project

    Experiencing Gospel: The History and Creativity of Martin Luther's 1534 Bible Project

    Gordon A. Jensen (Author), Robert Kolb (Foreword by)

    Jensen's analysis of the 1534 Luther Bible uncovers a central truth of Luther's translation: his commitment to producing this object was founded in his desire that receiving the gospel might become a lived experience. Jensen demonstrates how the seven words and phrases Luther highlighted in his edition summarize his entire theological message.


  • The Challenge of History: Readings in Modern Theology

    The Challenge of History: Readings in Modern Theology

    Christophe Chalamet (Editor)

    This volume, edited by Christophe Chalamet, traces the development of modern theology through key readings from over thirty-five theologians, from Erasmus to Pannenberg, whose writings relate to the birth of modern historical and critical exegesis and, more broadly, to the emergence, among theologians and biblical scholars, of a certain historical consciousness that characterizes vast segments of modernity. This volume is an ideal textbook for in-depth study of one of the most important topics in modern theology.


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  • Walter Brueggemann's Prophetic Imagination: A Theological Biography

    Walter Brueggemann's Prophetic Imagination: A Theological Biography

    Conrad L. Kanagy (Author)

    Walter Brueggemann's The Prophetic Imagination emerged seemingly out of nowhere in 1978. Its appeal took even the author by surprise. But its message and relevance, and the enigmatic prophet from Missouri, were just what the American church needed. This book addresses the mystery of a prophetic breakthrough that remains relevant and necessary.


  • Israel: A Christian Grammar

    Israel: A Christian Grammar

    Paul J. Griffiths (Author)

    Israel: A Christian Grammar proposes and defends the theses that the church and the synagogue together constitute Israel; that each is irrevocably promised intimacy with the same God; and that the synagogue should be understood by the church to be more intimate with that God than she is herself.
