Martin Luther: An Introduction to His Life and Work
Luther's impact on theology and history was monumental, his writing was prodigious, his character was complex. The need for a critical overview of Luther's...
Born Againism: Perspectives on a Movement
What are the origins of the born-again movement? How does the born-again experience relate to Baptism? Why do fundamentalists argue the literal inspiration of...
The Christian Church: Biblical Origin, Historical Transformation, & Potential for the Future
With thoroughness and clarity, Hans Schwarz presents a historical and systematic understanding of the church its worship and piety, its traditions and...
A Short History of Christian Doctrine
This book has earned wide acceptance as an outstanding single volume history of doctrine. It is ideally suited for classroom and seminar use as well as...
Women of the Reformation: From Spain to Scandinavia
In this fascinating and concluding volume in his series on the contributions of women to the Reformation, celebrated historian Roland Bainton tells the stories...
Women of the Reformation: In France and England
Marguerite of Navarre, Jeanne d'Albret, Catherine of Aragon, Catherine Parr, and Elizabeth I these are a few of the courageous women who used their...
Where God Meets Man: Luther's Down-to-Earth Approach to the Gospel
This book about Luther's theology is written out of a two-fold conviction. First, that many of our problems have arisen because we have not really understood...
Women of the Reformation: In Germany and Italy
In this first installment in celebrated historian Roland Bainton's Women of the Reformation trilogy, sixteen women who are usually lost behind familiar...
The Theology of Martin Luther
This is a comprehensive and systematic survey of Martin Luther's entire thought by an internationally recognized authority in the field of Reformation...
Luther's Ninety-Five Theses
From Luther's day to the present, October 31, 1517 has been considered the birthday of the Reformation. At noon on this Eve of All Saints' Day, Luther nailed...
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