Viva Vox: Rediscovering the Sacramentality of the Word through the Annunciation
In failing to take the sacramentality of the word of God seriously, the preaching of the church has suffered negative consequences, particularly failing to bring about divine participation with Jesus' corporeal humanity in his living word. In order to recover this sacramental reality, this volume argues that one should consider the annunciation to Mary as the paradigm of the corporeal Christ taking up residence in the flesh of his hearer and delivering the fullness of the Godhead.
Antiochene Theōria in the Writings of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Theodoret of Cyrus
This work uncovers rich distinctives in the Syrian Antioch school and the school of Alexandria's approach that apply deeply to modern interpretive questions.
The Transformative Church: New Ecclesial Models and the Theology of Jürgen Moltmann
Throughout the course of his theological career, Moltmann has been interested in the ecclesial and societal consequences of systematic theology and what each doctrine means for our life in this world. This book explores these concerns in Moltmann?s major texts and highlighs themes relevant for a transformative ecclesiology.
Repentance at Qumran: The Penitential Framework of Religious Experience in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Mark A. Jason offers a detailed investigation of the place of repentance in the Dead Sea Scrolls, addressing a significant lacuna in Qumran scholarship. Jason establishes the importance of repentance as a fundamental way of structuring and describing religious experience within the Qumran community, lacuna, Pseudepigrapha, daily life in ancient Judea
Cleansed Lepers, Cleansed Hearts: Purity and Healing in Luke-Acts
Pamela Shellberg shows that Luke's use of the language of "clean" and "unclean" has particular first-century medical connotations that make it especially powerful for expressing his understanding of the universal salvation prophesied by Isaiah and by Jesus.
Christian Doctrine and the Grammar of Difference: A Contribution to Feminist Systematic Theology
McRandal argues that the doctrinal narrative of creation, fall, and redemption provides resources to resolve the theological impasse of difference in contemporary feminist theology.
Creativity as Sacrifice: Toward a Theological Model for Creativity in the Arts
This book argues for a theological methodology in engaging the arts and puts forward a theological model for understanding human creativity in the light of Jesus' sacrificial redemption.
The Making of Modern English Theology: God and the Academy at Oxford, 1833-1945
This book is the first historical account of theology's modern institutional origins in the United Kingdom. It explores how Oxford theology, from the beginnings of the Tractarian movement until the end of the Second World War, both influenced and responded to the reform of the university.
Dominus Mortis: Martin Luther on the Incorruptibility of God in Christ
This work creates the conditions necessary for an alternative appropriation of Luther's Christological legacy. By re-specifying certain key aspects of Luther's Christological commitments, Luy provides a careful reassessment of how Luther's theology can make a contribution within ongoing attempts to adequately conceptualize divine immanence.
The Histories of the Latin American Church: A Brief Introduction
With this brief, engaging, and helpful overview, Joel M. Cruz offers a resource that tells that story of Latin America church history in a new way, enabling students of all kinds to better understand the histories of Latin American Christianity.
Preservation and Protest: Theological Foundations for an Eco-Eschatological Ethics
McLaughlin offers an alternative to anthropocentric and conservationist paradigms within the Christian tradition, an alternative that affirms both scientific claims about natural history and the theological hope for eschatological redemption.
Paul O. Manz: The Enduring Legacy of the Hymn Festival
Paul Manz was an as organist, composer, teacher, and recitalist. Known for his improvisations, Manz cultivated and vigorously promoted the idea of the hymn festival a program of singing, readings, and organ music, often assisted by choirs and instrumentalists. Hymn festivals continue to be popular throughout the United States largely due to his vision and energetic leadership. He was twice named one of the Ten Most Influential Lutherans and received many honorary doctorates and awards.
Dawnlight Breaks: The Hymn Texts and Translations of F. Samuel Janzow
The career of F. Samuel Janzow (1913-2001) was marked by roles as pastor, professor, and scholar. In all of these he served with great humility, from shepherding a small congregation in London during the blitz, to teaching countless college students, to his many editorial contributions to Lutheran Worship (1982). An ordained Lutheran pastor with a Ph.D in literary studies, he left the Church an amazing legacy.
Dogmatic Aesthetics: A Theology of Beauty in Dialogue with Robert W. Jenson
To avoid a theological account of beauty becoming a mere projection of our wildest desires, it must be reined in by dogmatics. To make this case, this book employs the thought of Robert W. Jenson to construct a dogmatic aesthetics.
Comprehending Christian Zionism: Perspectives in Comparison
This work brings together an international consortium of scholars and researchers to reflect on the network of issues and topics surrounding the issue of Christian Zionism.
Walking with the Mud Flower Collective: God's Fierce Whimsy and Dialogic Theological Method
Arguing for a retrieval of the landmark work, God's Fierce Whimsy, Stina Busman Jost establishes the critical importance of this volume for the construction of a dialogic theological method and makes the argument that a dialogic theological method is relevant for the doing of theology today
Breaking Bread, Breaking Beats: Churches and Hip-Hop - A Basic Guide to Key Issues
In this innovative project, ten individuals write as one voice to illuminate the ways that hip-hop and the Black Church agree, disagree, and inform each other on key topics.
The Woman Babylon and the Marks of Empire: Reading Revelation with a Postcolonial Womanist Hermeneutics of Ambiveilence
Here Shanell T. Smith brings the categories of race/ethnicity and class to bear on John's metaphors of the "Great Whore" and highlights the simultaneous duality of the woman Babylon characterization.
Political Augustinianism: Modern Interpretations of Augustine's Political Thought
The thought of Saint Augustine stands as one of the central fountainheads of not only theology but Western social and political theory. This book examines the modern political readings of Augustine, providing an extensive account of the pivotal French, British, and American strands of interpretation.
A Child Shall Lead Them: Martin Luther King Jr., Young People, and the Movement
Half a century after some of its most important moments, the assessment of the Civil Rights Era continues. In this exciting volume, Dr. Rufus Burrow turns his attention to a less investigated but critically important byway in this powerful story—the role of children and young people in the Civil Rights Movement.
Academic Christian History
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