Faith and Human Rights: Christianity and the Global Struggle for Human Dignity
The UN's 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights stands as a highpoint of twentieth-century moral deliberation, yet sixty years later human rights are widely...
Junia: The First Woman Apostle
The name "Junia" appears in Romans 16:7, and Paul identifies her (along with Andronicus) as "prominent among the apostles." In this important...
Christ Present in Faith: Luther's View of Justification
Mannermaa's revisionist work on justification in Luther's theology a notable contribution from one of the most influential Finnish scholars of Luther...
Printing, Propaganda, and Martin Luther
Mark Edwards's pioneering work on the Reformation as a "print event" traces how Martin Luther, the first Protestant, became the central figure in the...
Signs of Belonging: Luther's Marks of the Church and the Christian Life
Signs of Belonging: Luther's Marks of the Church and the Christian Life explores Luther's teaching on the seven marks of the church: possession of the Word,...
The Religious Context of Early Christianity: A Guide to Graeco-Roman Religions
Klauck's is a uniquely well-informed and comprehensive guide to the world of religion in the Graeco-Roman environment of early Christianity. Drawing on the...
Jesus and Nonviolence: A Third Way
More than ever, Walter Wink believes, the Christian tradition of nonviolence is needed as an alternative to the dominant and death-dealing "powers"...
Luther the Reformer: The Story of the Man and His Career
Engaging and authoritative, Kittleson's important and popular biography is here — represented with a new cover and new preface by the author. His...
Documents from the History of Lutheranism, 1517-1750
A unique resource: from the Reformation to Pietism. This unique collection of excerpts from Lutheran historical and theological documents - many...
Luther's Works: Digital Download
The 55-volume set of Luther's Works, a monumental translation project published jointly by Fortress Press and Concordia Publishing House in 1957, is singular...
Fortress Introduction to Black Church History
A concise and accessible history. A brief history of black Christian churches in the United States has long been needed. Larger sociological and historical...
The Imaginative World of the Reformation
In this small gem of Reformation research, Peter Matheson offers a rich view of the Reformation as it appeared in pamphlets and sermons, woodcuts and...
Paganism and Christianity, 100-425 C.E.: A Sourcebook
This book is a collection of nearly 175 documents—from saints, emperors, philosophers, satirists, inscriptions, graffiti, and other interesting...
Holywood: Lights, Cameras, and Catholics in the Age of American Spectacle
Americans grew to accept their Catholic neighbors not through attending mass, but by going to the movies, to the theatre, and to the press. Holywood examines three striking episodes of interwar Catholic visual culture and shows what they reveal about the mutual influence of Catholicism, American religiosity, and popular culture.
Available August 25, 2026
The Apocryphal Sunday: History and Texts from Late Antiquity
The overriding importance of Sunday as a Christian feast day is emphasized by many apocryphal and pseudepigraphic texts from Late Antiquity, above all the broadly received Letter from Heaven. This volume presents versions of this letter together with other texts, partly based on a new edition, including introduction, translation, and commentary.
Christians and War: A Brief History
James Reimer's thoughtful survey of Christian teachings and practices on issues of war, violence, and the state takes readers from classical Greco-Roman times to postmodernity. Reimer encourages readers to think about difficult subjects and to hold their own position that promotes both peace and justice.
Christ and the Christian Life: Two Essays from Christian Dogmatics
Presented independently are the two loci by the author from Christian Dogmatics. In The Work of Christ, Forde examines "what God did in Jesus Christ" In Christian Life, he undertakes justification and sanctification. For students and scholars alike, this assembly of Forde's early work will broaden the impact of his thought for a new generation.
Confessing Community: An Entryway to Theological Interpretation in North East India
The book provides an entryway to the discussion between theological interpretation of Scripture and contextual theology (i.e., tribal theology). It argues for the need to consider the importance of reading the Bible with multiple contexts in mind, while addressing the tension between church and academy.
Fleeing Plague: Medieval Wisdom for a Modern Health Crisis
With sixteenth century Germany experiencing the ravages of the Bubonic Plague, Martin Luther was asked to comment on whether Christians could flee home and labors on account of the plague. Anna Marie Johnson introduces and comments on Luther's 1527 treatise "Whether One May Flee the Deadly Plague," still surprisingly relevant with the pandemic.
Intercultural Christology in John's Gospel: A Subaltern Reading from India
Intercultural Christology in John's Gospel unravels the intercultural intersections and subaltern dimensions of John's Christology. A hermeneutical framework of intercultural resonance and subaltern subversive rhetoric is a key to unlock the Gospel. Such a hermeneutical approach is a viable option in any subaltern context.
Academic Christian History
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