Church and Empire
The history of the church's relationship with governing authorities unfolds from its beginnings at the intersection of apprehension and acceptance, collaboration and separation. This volume is dedicated to helping students chart this complex narrative through early Christian writings from the first six centuries of the Common Era. Church and Empire is part of Ad Fontes: Early Christian Sources, a series designed to present ancient Christian texts essential to an understanding of Christian theology, ecclesiology, and practice.
Exploring the Life and Calling
In this introductory volume for the Foundations for Learning series, Black asserts that while the primary subjects of seminary and professional church work training may dominate the interests of students, students must engage in the principal pursuit of understanding, then applying, Christian theology.
Exploring Theology
Elaine A. Robinson introduces readers to the study of theology as a central task of all Christians and one that deserves careful and consistent attention. Following a lively examination of what theology is and how we do it, Robinson provides a basic map of the major doctrines of the faith and asks readers to consider their own beliefs at this important point in their journey.
Introduction to the History of Christianity: Second Edition, Course Pack
The most popular introduction to Christianity ever published, Dowley's work tells in an engaging way the dramatic, intriguing, and often surprising story of Christians in...
Fortress Introduction to the Prophets
An experienced teacher of the prophetic materials provides students with an accessible entrée into this fascinating aspect of Hebrew Bible studies. The...
Fortress Introduction to the New Testament
All the main issues for reading the New Testament are covered in this exciting new introduction by one of the world's foremost biblical scholars.
Charging Interest: Medieval Wisdom for a Modern Financial Crisis
Charging Interest explores the explosive tract written by Martin Luther which summarizes his views on poverty caused by an economic system that stopped caring for the well-being of God's children. Luther exhorts clergy to ex-communicate those causing poverty through their ruthless economic behavior or risk God's judgment alongside the perpetrators.
The Community Rules from Qumran: A Commentary
The Community Rule is an important document to emerge from Qumran. For fifty years after its discovery scholars relied predominantly on the well-preserved Cave 1 copy. Since the early 1990s, ten additional copies have become available. This is the first commentary to treat all the manuscript and the first in English since A. R. C. Leaney's in 1966.
Interconnections of Asian Diaspora: Mapping the Linkages and Discontinuities
This book paints a portrait of the widespread dispersion and establishment of distinctively Asian Christian communities in their places of settlement. The essays argue that migration has made Asian Christianity more global and explores how Asian-diaspora communities are playing a decisive role in transforming and advancing Christian faith.
The Promise of Not-Knowing: A New New Testament Reading
In The Promise of Not-Knowing, David Fredrickson challenges readers and interpreters of the New Testament to engage the text not simply for its usefulness or practicality, but rather to explore the text with a sense of mystery, expecting and hoping to have one's world shaken by the otherness that haunts the familiar.
Journeys of Asian Diaspora: Mapping Originations and Destinations
This is a collection of essays by Asian-diaspora Christian scholars about their communities in different parts of the world. It paints a portrait of the widespread dispersion and establishment of distinctively Asian Christian communities in their places of settlement. The book makes a case about how migration of people has made Asian Christianity more global and how Asian-diaspora communities are playing a decisive role in transforming and advancing Christian faith in the twenty-first century.
The Perfect Being: Selections from the Classic Islamic Text
Translated for the first time from the original Persian into English, these selected treatises from the thirteenth-century work The Perfect Being provide a fascinating glimpse into Sufism. With a helpful introduction and explanatory notes, The Perfect Being is a valuable introduction to classic Islamic texts for spiritual seekers and students.
The Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC): Bearing Witness to the Gospel and the Reign of God in Asia
This book presents the theological contributions of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC), a transnational body comprising fifteen Asian Catholic bishops' conferences as full members and ten associate members. The emphasis of the book is on the postcolonial dimensions of Asia and the challenges and implications of decolonization for shaping a postcolonial Asian church and way of doing theology.
The Colonized Apostle: Paul Through Postcolonial Eyes
How did Roman imperial culture shape the environment in which Paul carried out his apostolate? How do the multiple legacies of modern colonialism and contemporary empire shape, illuminate, or obscure our readings of Paul's letters? In The Colonized Apostle, Christopher D. Stanley has gathered many of the foremost voices in postcolonial and empire-critical scholarship on Paul to provide a state-of-the-art guide to these questions.
World Christianity, Urbanization and Identity
World Christianity, Urbanization and Identity argues that urban centers do not only offer places for persons to live, shop, and seek entertainment, but deeply shape people's ethics, behavior, sense of justice, and how they learn to become human. Given that religious participation and institutions are vital to individual and communal life, particularly in urban centers, this interdisciplinary volume provides insights into the interaction between urban change and religious formation in the word today.
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Called into the Mission of God: A Missional Reading of Paul's Thessalonian Correspondence
Roji George argues that Paul's primary interest was neither doctrinal teaching nor the articulation of an anti-imperial discourse. Instead, he contends that amidst the many problems that faced the Thessalonian community--eschatological fears, ethical difficulties, and persecution from outside groups--Paul brought primarily a missional concern to impart ethical exhortation and eschatological teaching. The book will appeal to scholars, teachers, and students grappling with the message of Paul in his time and in ours.
Negotiating Peace: North East Indian Perspectives on Peace, Justice, and Life in Community
In Negotiating Peace, Shimreingam L. Shimray argues that peace cannot be derived from outside forces but that it must instead be created from within the local context. The author uses a deeply contextual reading of his own setting, resulting in a work whose value rests in revealing how the tribal people of North East India have used their own resources to work for a culture of peace amidst tension and difficulty.
Insights from Reading the Bible with the Poor
Insights from Reading the Bible with the Poor provides a spirited introduction to methodologies and strategies for reading the Bible “from below.” Drawing on the lineage of various methods of reading the Bible with the poor, the book invites poverty and biblical study into dialogue with real-world organizing to seek justice for those most often treated as “Other.” For any reader interested in community organizing as well as students of the Bible.
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A Brief Introduction to Hinduism
This brief introduction to Hinduism is designed to help readers understand this important religious tradition. With both nuance and balance, this text provides broad coverage...
A Brief Introduction to Judaism
This brief introduction to Judaism is designed to help readers understand this important religious tradition. With both nuance and balance, this text provides broad coverage...
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